Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Lesson Plans pt4 (colors!)

I was inspired to do colors for the lesson plan for next week. By looking outside the bright blue skies we have been having, the new green spring grasses that are growing, the warm yellow sun, and our Red tulips we just got, it's all just been inspiration. You may want to do all or just one. Through these lesson plans we will be able to cover most subjects, just change them as much as necessary to fit your child's grade level.

Blue Day  
 (Wear all blue)

Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes

Work books: Spelling, Grammar, and Math (use a blue colored pencil to complete school work, you may not want them to use this because you can't erase, but I thought it would make the work a little more fun and colorful)

Recess: Hula Hoop or Jump Rope

Writing: Write a story about the day you woke up in an all blue world. Some children may be good writers once they have an idea, so try giving writing ideas.

Art/Art History: Paint all in blue just like Picasso did during his blue period. Read a little bit about him to your child as they work on their painting, you can find his life story online or you can find books at the library (you will definitely want to skim through this first his whole life story is not suitable for all ages)

Reading: Fun reading, for either your child to do on there own or you to do together. "Beyond The Land of Blue" by Ruth Olin and Judy Olin

Music: Listen to some blues (I love to have a lot of diversity when it comes to music, I don't want my kids to grow up only knowing what they play on the radio)

Green Day
(wear all green)

Breakfast Spinach omlet

Work books (use a green colored pencil to complete school work)

Recess:Go for a nature walk at your local park or neighborhood take pictures

Current Events/Writing: Write a paper about what it means to go green,, and write your own list of how you can be more green.

Read: Fun reading, for either your child to do on there own or you to do together. Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Art/Art History: Using pastels, let your child try and recreate Claude Monet's Japanese Footbridge  
Talk about what inspired Monet's painting then discus what inspires your child and what they like to do when they feel inspired. 

Music: Green Day (if you are not a fan there are a bunch of songs about the color green just type it into youtube)

Yellow Day 
Breakfast Sunny Side Eggs

Workbooks Spelling, Grammar, and Math (use a Yellow colored pencil to complete school work)

Science/ Writing: Research the sun and write an essay on it.

Recess: Jacks or Marbles

Art/Art History: Have your child try and color with crayons or markers to make
Van Gogh's Sunflowers .
 While they are working read a little bit about his seven versions of Sunflowers.

Music: "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the waves 
"You Are My Sunshine" by Jimmie Davis
"Sunshine Song" by Jason Mraz
"Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers
"I can see clearly now" by  Bitty McLean
"Good Day Sunshine" by the Beatles
"My Girl" by Temptations

Reading: Fun reading, for either your child to do on there own or you to do together. 
"A Color of His Own" by Leo Lionni


Red Day
Breakfast Berry Bread 

Workbooks Spelling, Grammar, and Math (use a Red colored pencil to complete school work)

Recess: Tag or Hop Scotch

Reading: Fun reading, for either your child to do on there own or you to do together. 
"Red Stop, Green Go!" by P.D.  Easman and "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" by Dr. Seuss 

Writing: Compare apples with oranges. Write a paper telling people why Red apples are better than Oranges.

Art/Art History: Have  your child make a Sculpture with red play-doh like the "Love" sculptor in NYC

Using your own word, something that means a lot to you.
While they are working read the history behind this sculptor its pretty interesting. 

Music: Patriotic Music or Classic Love Songs (couldn't decide what would be better so I figured the day of I would do whatever I'm in the mood for)

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