Sunday, April 12, 2015

From our bubble day

This was the out come of our bubble day! Though the weather wasn't the best we had a blast.

This was our snake bubbles. I cut the bottom off of a Poland Spring water bottle, placed a sock over the bottom, and used a rubber band to hold it on. I poured the bubbles onto a cookie sheet and we dunked the sock side into the bubbles. The bubbles came out in a foamy strand which was a lot of fun.

This was our bubble pipe. I  poked a hole using a straw into the side of  a foam cup , and scotch taped it in place. Then I poured the bubbles inside till the straw was covered. This was pretty cool also. It's not that durable though, after two days of use the cup was broken, but it was a good time while it lasted. For both of these, I strongly advise you explain to your child do not suck it in, only blow out.

This was the bubble art work I said we were going to attempt with chalk and black construction paper. I think they came out good, I was excited with my new refrigerator art work.

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