Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day!

 So we know earth day is about being more resourceful, recycling, and being mindful of the planet we live on, so lets use today to pick up some new habits.

Breakfast: Banana Bread. Did you know if your bananas are on the way out, you don't need to toss them, you can freeze them for different recipes. Over ripe bananas are the best to bake with because they are supper sweet!

Yard work: Bring the family outside to tidy up. With spring just getting here I am sure there are broken toys outside that were left out all winter, garbage that has blown into the yard, and maybe a little raking to be done. It is good to start your day getting up and moving. It makes sitting to do school work easier. Most mornings Dash and I will start with yoga and palates, to get our hearts pumping, and blood flowing to our brains. While we are working outside I also plan to use this time to figure out where we will be starting our garden.

Work books: I thought why not take class outside. As long as the weather permits, grab a blanket and your books and head outdoors. Enjoy a little nature, after all it's earth day.

Science: Read books and learn about the oxygen cycle. This will help your child realize why we need trees and should appreciate trees, and how amazing our planet is.

History: Why is there an earth day? How did it begin? Who started it? If your child is old enough write out a few questions like these, to have them research it  online. If not, do it together, write the questions out and surf together to find the answers.

Lunch: Left over dinner sandwiches. Don't let your left overs go to waste. If you made chicken or eggplant parmesan, maybe some meatballs, try putting it on bread for a new look. If you have chicken left over try making a chicken salad sandwich. Excess quinoa, turn it into a burger. If I make way to much of something, (soup, lasagna, stew, or pesto sauce) and I can't find a way to reinvent it, I find an airtight container and freeze it, take it out a month or so later, defrost it, and everyone enjoys it again, without me having to prepare too much.

Reading: For fun reading today, I have two books I would like to go through. Maybe I will have Dash read one and I will read on to him. "The Lorax" By Dr. Seuss, after all he speaks for the trees. I also saw and wanted to read "The Adventures of the Plastic Bottle" by Alison Inches. This book gives such a fun perspective, it follows the life of a bottle. This book can really give children such an insight into how recycling works.

Reducing and Reusing: With summer approaching, now is a good time for me to go through the closets and see what Dash has out grown. That way I can either put it in a clothing drop or give it to someone who may be able to get use out of it. The same with the toy box. What toys has he out grown or never seems to play with. It's easier to give things away when I know others will enjoy it.

Art Project: Save your old egg cartons and paper towel and toilet paper rolls! There are so many great projects out there using those materials. Today's art project we are going to paint with flowers. I have only don't this with sunflowers and it came out amazing (wish I had taken a picture), but this year I want to try it with dandelions, and whatever else we having growing around the yard. I will use my egg carton as my paint pallet. It holds my paint and makes it easy to dip onto.  Than use my flower to make splattered imprints onto the paper.

Snack: Rice Pudding or Bread Pudding. With these puddings you can use milk that is a few days old instead of throwing it away (old milk can also be used for recipes that call for buttermilk) and left over rice or bread (especially the ends which no one wants to eat). Since you are cooking it, no one can get sick, and the flavor is Delicious when you are all done.

Music: "One love" by Bob Marley  "Outdoors" By Jason Mraz "Circle of Life" Lion King

Dinner: Ham and Cheese Roll Ups with Salad.

Family time: First start off with letting Dash tell us what he learned today, and his feelings on the subject. I am the one who puts together the lesson plans, and decides our days together, so I love to hear his feed back. Then watch the Lorax movie together.

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