Sunday, April 19, 2015

Springing into art

We did these projects different days. I find I can't handle the mess if we have too much going on, and Dash looses interest if I try to get to many projects done. 

Before starting this first project, we discussed what colors make us think of spring. Then we did our best using our paint pallet to mix colors that look like spring.
I love finger painting, and never think you can be to old to participate in this. So we both dipped our fingers in and got started.

After our fingerprints dried we used markers to make them into little animals.
We came up with a whole bunch.

I love it!

More spring colors! This is our modern art. We used those plastic eggs from Easter, to make this. We just dunked them into pant and used them like stampers. If you don't have any of those left overs you could really use a cup, or the rolls from the toilet paper or paper towels.  

This next project I found at Michael's craft store. I find they can have some really great prices on somethings, you just have to look. I found these little wooden bird houses for $1 each.

After they were painted and dried, we filled them with pumpkin seeds and sunflowers, and hung them outside.

  This project, we first went on a rock hunt for. Once we found decent sized rocks, we cleaned them up. After they dried we painted pictures. Mine is a Dinosaur hatching, Dash's is umm..... I think a spaceship and a dinosaur lol. We plan to use these to decorate our garden when we are all done getting our garden together.

Potato stampers! I had seen at one point people using potato stampers to make Christmas ornaments (we tried it out and loved it). So I thought why not try something else with potato stampers. This time using a butter knife I carved the potatoes a little to make them look like roses.

This was the out come. It was so much fun and colorful, and has us looking forward to some May flowers. 

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