Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Lesson Plan Ideas pt1 (eggs and birds)

This Lesson can be broken down to a whole week if you want or you can try and do as much as you can in one day.

Egg-straordinary  Lesson Plan 

Breakfast:  eggs of course! I did eggs in a basket (this is when you cut out a hole in the center of a piece of bread and cook the egg inside) it is something your child can help you with. Using a cookie cutter cut a shape out of the bread, oil the frying pan, place the bread in the pan then crack an egg into the hole.  

Other egg dishes we enjoy:
Egg sandwich with breakfast meat or cheese
Scrambled eggs
Fried eggs
Sunny Side eggs
Poached Eggs

Unit Lesson: Bird Life Cycle and or other animals

Paint a Bird House fill it with bird seed and hang it outside on a tree (this will help out when it comes time to bird watch)

Writing ideas:
Pick a type of bird to write a paper about. In essay form.
Write about if I were a bird
Write a book report about a bird book

Lunch: More eggs! I made deviled eggs (the pictures below). We had a little fun and used food coloring to dye the egg whites. I just took a cup of boiling water added about 3-5 drops then let the egg whites soak for around 5 minutes. 
Recipe for Devilled Eggs
Hard boiled eggs

Put water in a pot and bring to a boil. Wait till the water comes to a boil then use a large spoon to gently place the eggs into the water. Place in however many eggs you wish to make. Wait 12  minutes then take the eggs out. Crack the shells all over and peel of. Once all the eggs are peeled, cut them in half. Next you want to scoop out all of the yolk into a bowl. Mix mayo in to the yolks till they are creamy, then add mustard and salt to taste. Now re-stuff your egg whites, and your done.

Egg salad is also a nice option for lunch, and very similar to devilled eggs. 

Bird sight seeing in the backyard. Take a bird book out with you, I borrowed "The Bird Atlas" by Barbara Taylor from the library. Also take a note book so you can list or describe different birds you see and hear.   

Read:  Spring book about chicks or ducklings, I always enjoy a little fiction reading to break up all the information we just learned, so find a fun book.

Art: Dye eggs or draw from a birds eye view

Music: Try and see how many songs you can find with the word bird in it, here are a few to get you started 

"Rocking Robin" by Bobby Day
"Bird is the Word" by The Trashman
"Blackbirds" by The Beatles
"5 Little Ducks" By Raffi
"Three Little Birds" Bob Marley

Free time/ snack time:  Make rice krispie treats in an egg shape (picture below).

I did this by making the rice krispie treats inside of those plastic Easter eggs. They came out so cute. I had Dash melt the marsh mellows and mix in the rice krispies. While we waited for them to cool a little we sprayed all the eggs with non-stick baking spray, then Dash was able to handle the mixture without burning his fingers, and we  stuffed all the eggs. Once all the eggs were filled (we made  12) I put the rest in my 8" baking dish.

Recipe for Rice Krispies Treats

3TBS Butter
One package of Marshmallows
6 Cups of Rice Krispies cereal

Melt Butter, add marshmallows and melt down (should look like fluff) than mix in cereal.

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