Friday, April 17, 2015

Lessons using building blocks

A lesson plan built on building. I am sure if you have a boy you already have plenty of blocks. I know one of Dash's favorite things is to build with legos. We have been reviewing math and other subjects trying to get ready for the end of the year test. Reviewing is very boring, so I have been looking for a new way to present the information we have already gone over, in a new way. I wish I had found some of these ideas when I was first teaching it, but I figured I would share what I found with you all, and maybe you can use it. I will definitely be using this. I am planning on using this for a week straight and see where we are at the end of it. This is more for grade levels 1-3 (but I honestly think you could find ways to teach younger children too, using legos).

Math: This is what I found, these are some great worksheet pages for teaching whole and partfractionsmultiplication and division. I plan to use these for my reviewing.  Here is the website I found these on

Writing: Dash has improved a lot with his writing, but I am always looking for ways to keep him interested in writing without him feeling like it is some great chore. So I heard of people actually using legos to spark writing ideas. Using legos build three different scenes. They have to be a beginning, a middle, and an end. This will be the tricky part trying to get your child to follow through with an idea and show a connection. After they finish with their lego structure write down the story. Sometimes having a visual of their ideas will help them to remember what they wanted to say, and teach them how to make the connections between beginning, middle, and end.

History: For history what would be more appropriate then learning about famous monuments and buildings. We have been going through famous men and women, so why not do monuments and buildings now. You can buy or go to the library, and find some books on  different famous structures and start reading up.

Art/Engineering: After learning about how and why buildings are made I am sure your child will be interested in being an architect or engineer.  Have your child draw a picture of something they wish to build using graph paper. Once their drawing is complete try and have them replicate it with their legos.

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