Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spring Time Lesson Plans. pt 2 (bubbles)

Spring Time Lesson Plans. pt 2


Bubbles are so much fun but their are some developmental skills your child can actually gain from blowing bubbles as well. Studies show that blowing bubbles relieve stress, taking that deep breath in to blow can actually relax you and your child. It also helps with speech. Blowing bubbles strengthen your child's mouth, and practices mouth control and force.

Keep to your regular routine just find ways to blend these bubble activities into your day or week.

Writing (writing comics with speech and thought bubbles): For a child who is reluctant to write sometimes writing in a different format can help them to express a story, give complete thoughts, and enjoy writing. If your child is not into drawing there are pre-drawn comic strips you can print off of Pinterest with empty bubbles. If they enjoy drawing have them make the comic strip on their own to add to the fun of the project.  

Reading: I liked "Pop! A book about bubbles" by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. This will give your child the science behind soap bubbles, "Why are they round? What are they made of? Why do they pop?" . And you know I like to always add a fun reading book so you can either check out your library for a bubble book or you can order from Amazon. We are going to do "Bubble Trouble" by Joy N Hulme

Bubble  time outside (make a pipe and snake bubbles). I went on Pinterest and saw these two different ways to blow bubbles, so we are going to try them out. If you are interested just type bubbles into Pinterest and it will come up. (I will have to post pics of how it turns out).

Art draw bubbles! This I also saw on Pinterest (yes I love Pinterest lol) 

We are going to try it with black construction paper and chalk.

Bubble Bath. What better way to end the day than a bubble bath. 

I hope you enjoyed all these bubble ideas, please follow, and if you have any questions or comments leave them below!

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