Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Waste Not Want Not Recipes

Waste not want not, was a common used phrase in my house growing up. Here are some things I have learned when it comes to not wasting foods.

This is Dash making Pancakes :)

Bananas get ripe quick. I was told by a chef once, that you want to separate the bunch.. When you keep them together they ripen faster. If your bananas are on the way out though, you don't need to toss them, you can freeze them for different recipes. Over ripe bananas are the best to bake with because they are supper sweet!

Banana Bread or Muffins

 I use this website for my recipe.

or try

Banana Nut Pancakes


1 1/2 C Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1 Egg
2 Tbs Butter
1 1/2 C Buttermilk (you can substitute this for milk that has soured)
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 Mashed Banana
1 C Chopped Walnuts


Mix together flour, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add egg buttermilk and melted butter. Stir in mashed banana and walnuts.

A trick I do with pancakes, it always try and make extra. I take the left overs and put them in a air tight Tupperware and put them in the freezer. Then on a morning when I am short on time I  take them out throw some in the toaster, and breakfast is served.

Eggplant or Chicken Parmesan 


2 C Milk
1 Egg
Bread Crumbs (you can make your own by using stale or unwanted bread)
Olive Oil
Eggplant or Chicken

Pre-heat oven to 350 F. In a mixing bowl mix the egg wash, put the one egg in a bowl add milk and mix with a whisk (when I have no milk I use water). Pour bread crumbs on a plate. Skin and slice your eggplant, or cut your chicken thin, and put into egg wash. Next cover completely in bread crumbs, then lay on an oiled cookie sheet and bake until browned and crispy.

If you have some left over the following day make sandwiches for lunch, so good!

Often I find no one eats the bread ends. I hate to throw them out though, so I have learned to put them in the freezer and save them for  making croutons, bread crumbs or stuffing

Take the bread out of the freezer and allow to defrost

Olive Oil
Seasoning (rosemary, thyme, parsley, salt)

Pre-heat oven to 400 F. Chop your bread into crouton sized squares and lay on a cookie sheet and drizzle with olive oil, then sprinkle with seasoning, and bake. You will need to turn them as you go, till you have crunchy croutons for a salad.

Bread Crumbs
Take the bread out of the freezer and allow to defrost

You do the same thing for bread crumbs as you did for croutons, only instead of cutting the bread you are going to want to put it in your food processor or bullet and chop it fine before putting it on the cookie sheet.

Take the bread out of the freezer and allow to defrost

1 clove Garlic
1/2 Onion
1 C Chicken stock (make your own)
Seasoning (rosemary, thyme, parsley, salt)

Chop bread and onion, mix in the seasonings, garlic,and chicken stock, and now you are ready to stuff a bird.

Chicken Stock/Broth

Chicken bones
1 cloves garlic
1/2 Onion
Vegetables (optional)

You can make your own by taking chicken bones left from making a whole chicken, add some onion, garlic, and some seasoning, if you have some vegetables looking limp throw those in and let it cook in some boiling water till the bones turn milky white. Find a container (mason jars work great) and store in frig for as needed.

Chicken Salad


2 C Chicken (you can use the left over chicken from a previous chicken dinner, also save the bones to make your own stock)
3/4 C Celery
1/2 C Nuts (pecans or walnuts)
1/2 C Crasins
1/4 Of an Onion
1/2 Head of Lettuce

Chop up everything and put together like a salad, then make the dressing.


1/3 C Mayo
1/8 C OJ
1/2 T Cider Vinegar
1 t Sugar
1/4 t Coriander
1/2 t Ginger
1/2 t Salt
1/4 t Pepper

Mix all together then pour over chopped salad.

Rice Pudding 

 I use one cup of milk for every cup of rice

3 C Rice (you can use left over rice from take out Chinese, or you cooked too much for dinner the night before)

3 C Milk (since this milk is being cooked you can use the milk that has past it's expiration date)

1 T Butter

1/2 C Sugar

1 t Vanilla Extract


Put all ingredients except cinnamon in a pot on the stove. Cook till all the liquids are absorbed and the rice is soft. Then add cinnamon to taste.

Ham and Cheese Roll Up

This is the site I follow for my homemade bread


Ham (if I cook a whole ham I use the left over meat for this and the bone for lentil soup)
Cheddar Cheese
Mustard (optional)


Pre-heat oven to 350 F. After the dough is made roll it out. Spread a thin layer of mustard over all the dough, then cover in ham, and sprinkle generously with cheddar cheese. Roll up and place on a greased cookie sheet. Let this sit for a little bit on top of the warm oven so it can rise, then bake till the outside has browned.

Lentil Soup


2-3 cloves Garlic

1 1/2 Onions

1 bag of lentils

1 28 oz Can Tomato puree

Chicken stock

Ham bone and ham (when I make a whole ham I use the bone and whatever is left on the bones for this soup)

The night before I soak my lentils in a lot of chicken broth, or they will never cook. Next day, dice the onions, crush the garlic, and put all the ingredients into a crockpot. On low let this cook all day.

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