Monday, November 9, 2015

Veteran's Day Nov 11th Lesson Plan

Veteran's Day Lesson Plan

November 11th we will be taking time to appreciate all those who have served our country. We will be starting our day with a patriotic breakfast. I find bringing food into a lesson, brings a little fun, and sets the day apart from a regular day.

Breakfast: Blueberry, Strawberry, and Yogurt Parfait

If weather is permitting, I plan to pack our school books up and a lunch and head over to our monument park for the day.

After spreading our picnic blanket (aka a big sheet), we will begin our studies.

For our reading today I have selected a few books for Dash to read aloud (if you have more then one child let them take turns, reading books on the subject at their level, if they are too young, have them just sit and listen)
"Hero Dad" by Melinda Hardin (she also wrote Hero Mom)
"The Poppy Lady" by Barbara Walsh (this gives us the background to how the poppy became a symbol)
"The Wall" by Eve Bunting

After reading these books we will do these work sheets

Next we will take a walk around the park... if your child likes to draw great, let them choose a statue or monument and get to sketching. If  they do not, you could have them take pictures, and later discuss what he/she photographed and why (if you have little ones or even older ones I found these great coloring pages).

We will ave a  moment of silence. On November 11th, 1921 the bodies of the unknown soldiers were buried at Arlington cemetery at 11:00 am. So at 11:00 am we are are going to stop what we are doing and have a moment of silence. During this time we can pray for the families who have lost loved ones, we can pray for those still fighting, we can pray for those left with inner and outer scares from the military, and we can pray for our nation and it's future.

Lunch: A spinach and chicken salad with pomegranate, blueberries, (star fruit if you can find them) feta cheese, cucumber, sliced almonds, and a raspberry vinaigrette.

Stop for lunch spend this time talking about what we have seen, heard, and learned so far. It is good to spark conversations to help them remember what they have learned so far and also to be able to summarize what they have learned.

History: I am going to read aloud "Veteran's Day" by Jacqueline S Cotton

Have your child answer these questions orally  after your reading.

What day is Veteran's Day?

Why do celebrate Veteran's Day?

Name 3 facts you have learned today about this holiday...

English: For English, we will be writing a letter of thanks, this letter can be to a specific veteran you know, or just a general letter of thanks for all those who have served.

Music : We will spend some time listening to patriotic music as we drive home in the car.

Math and spelling will be in our normal work books, and we will do them when we get home. Though I did find these fun worksheets for math if you want to supplement with these for the day

I hope you all enjoy this Veteran's Day lesson plan as much as we will!

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