Thursday, October 29, 2015

October Meal Planning Week 4

October Meal Planning Week 4
Ahh.... I missed a few days of this week, sorry. I say better late than never so here is the last week of October for you.

An apple a day... (I think this menu accomplishes that)

Breakfast..........................  Lunch................................. Dinner............................... Snack


M  Over night Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal / Salmon Salad  Sandwich (taste almost the same as tuna, but is a better choice than tuna)/ Mushroom burgers and home made Root Vegetable Fries / String cheese and a Tangerine 
T  Spinach, Feta, Omelet / Left over Burger or Salmon / Sausage, Onions, Cabbage, on a Roll/ Apple Chips

W  Smoothie/ Quinoa Salad / Potato and Cauliflower Soup/ Tortilla Chips and Salsa (or homemade guacamole) 

Th Cereal/ Leftover soup/  Stuffed Pork and Broccoli, Cheddar, Baked Potato/ Trail Mix

F  Waffle with Chocolate Peanut Butter, and 1/2 banana/ Mac and Cheese/ Pork "Ruben" Sandwich w/ Grapefruit Spinach Salad/ Yogurt and Whole Wheat Graham Crackers

S Pumpkin Bread/ Whole Chicken w/ Corn Bread Stuffing and Mashed Sweet Potato/ "Pumpkin walked into a bar" (I get these different flavored bars at Trader Joe's)

U Breakfast with Nana/ Chicken Sandwich w/ stuffing and gravy on the bread (all left overs from last nights dinner/  Celery and Cream Cheese


Salmon Salad

1 can salmon (the can was like the size of two tuna cans, and make sure it says wild caught)
 diced celery (as much as you like, I do like 2-3 stalks)
mayo (I do about a Tbs, but you can do more if you like)

Mix it all together, and I put it on whole grain bread with fresh spinach and tomato.

Mushroom Burgers

2 cups portabella mushrooms, cubed (smaller pieces); gills removed
2 cups cooked black beans, rinsed and divided
1 cup minced broccoli, fresh only
1/2 cup red onion, minced
3 XL eggs, beaten
1/2 cup plus 2 Tbl Panko 
1 Tbl Montreal Steak Seasoning
1 Tbl Worcestershire 
2 Tbl minced garlic
3/4 cup fresh grated Parmesan 
Olive oil

Root Vegetable Fries
(you can do all or which ever ones you want)

Sweet Potato
White Potato
Olive Oil

skin, slice into fries, lay on a cookie sheet, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt.

Sausage, Onions, Cabbage, on a Roll
2 pounds fully cooked polska kielbasa, cut in half lengthwise, then cut into 2 inch pieces (I am just using Italian sausage, because that's what is on sale)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 head cabbage, coarsely chopped
1 large sweet onion, cut into large pieces
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons rice wine vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons dijon or brown grainy mustard
whole wheat hot dog rolls

Quinoa Salad 
(you can really add any vegetables you like)

Black Beans (rinsed)
Avocado (diced)
 Fresh Spinach (chopped)

Olive Oil
Lemon or Lime juice

Cook the quinoa in the broth and some salt. After it cools, mix in your other ingredients. Make your dressing separate and mix in.

Potato and Cauliflower Soup
I made a few edits to this recipe. 

  • 2 lbs fresh cauliflower, roughly chopped
  • 2 lbs potato, peeled and cubed (can also do sweet potato)
  • 3-4 Italian sausage
  • 1 quart vegetable broth
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 5 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 4 stalks of green onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • ¼ tsp salt, or to taste
  • 2 cups milk
2 oz cream cheese (or cheddar cheese)

Cook the sausage, onion, and garlic in a fry pan. Once cooked add broth and let simmer (this will give you a little bit more of the sausage flavor). Next put everything into your crock pot and let cook for hours!

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin


Pork Tenderloin
1 lg Apple
1/2 C Apple Sauce
Bread Crumbs
Bacon or turkey bacon optional

Maple syrup

Preheat oven to 350 F. Pound your pork out till it is nice and thin, but do not tear it. Next layer it with the bread crumbs, sauerkraut, apple sauce, and apple. Roll it up, at this point I wrapped mine in turkey bacon, but you can skip this if that is too much, or your not a bacon fan. Place in a dish, mix your syrup and mustered, and just brush it evenly over the outside. Now it is ready to cook.

Broccoli, Cheddar, Baked Potato
(other fun things to add to a baked potato, spinach, corn, or black beans)

White Potato
Cheddar Cheese
Greek Yogurt
Olive Oil

Bake the potatoes till a fork can easily puncture it. While they are baking steam your broccoli, and in a fry pan with some olive oil saute your onions and garlic. Once the potatoes are done, cut them in half, and scoop out the inside. Take the insides and put them into your pan with the garlic and onion. Mix in some greek yogurt and salt. Once you have gotten it to the right taste and texture, chop up your broccoli, and add mix it in as well. You will then take this mixture and put it back into the skins. Top with cheddar cheese and broil just till the cheese is melted. 

Pork "Ruben" Sandwich 

Pork (normally made with corned beef)
Swiss Cheese
Thousand Island Dressing
Rye Bread 

I marinated the pork with rosemary, garlic, and salt over night. Next day I cooked it and assembled the sandwiches.

Grapefruit Spinach Salad


Slivered Almonds

2 Tbs Olive Oil
1/4 C Cider Vinegar
Strawberry Jelly (to taste, till its at the right sweetness for you)

Corn Bread Stuffing

Corn Bread (I had some frozen in the freezer, if you don't have any handy, you can just use what you have)
Wheat Bread (also just happened to be what was in the freezer)
Dried Cranberries
Olive Oil

I just chopped everything up and mixed it all together, and stuffed it in and around my chicken. 

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