Friday, October 2, 2015

October Meal Planning Week 2

October Meal Planning Week 2

Breakfast..........................  Lunch................................. Dinner............................... Snack
For 10/12-18

(If you see my other post, Monday is Christopher Columbus Day, so we are eating a Spain inspired menu for Monday :) )

M  Hot Chocolate and toast / Potato Pancake with sofrito sauce /Black eyed peas and tomato sauce / Fruit kabobs/ cookies after dinner

T  Scrambled egg and Toast /Left over  / Spinach Lasagna/ Yogurt

W  Smoothie (use left over fruit from fruit kabobs)/ Left over Spinach Lasagna/ Cooked Whole Chicken, with Mashed Sweet Potatoes, and Corn/ Dark chocolate covered banana

Th Cereal/ Chicken noodle soup and crackers/BBQ Chicken on a roll and cooked carrots/ apple sauce

F Whole wheat waffle w almond coco butter spread and 1/2 banana/ left over BBQ Chicken/ Ham, Au Gratin Potatoes, and peas / chips and salsa

S Cheese grits and a poached egg/ Ham and Cheese Roll up/ Yogurt and granola with honey

U Breakfast with Nana/ left Ham and Cheese Roll up/ Cheese sticks and grapes


Potato Pancakes

Black Eyed Peas and Tomato Sauce

 Cookies (for Columbus Day)

Spinach Lasagna

BBQ Chicken
Whole Chicken or Chicken pieces
Your favorite BBQ sauce store bought or whole made
put both in the crockpot and look slow cook all day, it's that easy and yummy!

Au Gratin Potatoes

Ham and Cheese Roll Up
Use your favorite bread recipe, here is mine

After you have the dough made, but before you bake it...
Preheat oven to 350 F
Roll bread dough out on a large oiled or floured cutting board or clean counter.
Next spread mustard over the whole thing and then layer with shredded cheddar cheese and ham either shredded or cubed.
Finally roll your bread up just like you would cinnamon bread, and place in a loaf pan to bake for 25-30 min or until golden brown.

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