Friday, October 2, 2015

School Holiday: Christopher Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus Day (school is closed)

So whether you home-school or your children are in school, here are some ideas to make your day go by. When we have a day off I always seem to be scrambling for activities to keep Dash busy. I don't like tv on all day or video games to be played constantly, so I try and find ways to keep his mind interested and growing. Today we will be doing things based off of the life and experiences of Christopher Columbus!
Wake up 8-8:30am (sleeping in! If your kids let you, Dash is a pretty good sleeper)
Morning routine
I did some research on what people eat in Spain, and I have tried my best to replicate a menu based off of that.
Breakfast: Hot Chocolate (they drink coffee, but I'm thinking I don't need Dash that hyper lol) and toast (read about Amerigo Vespucci while eating)
Finish morning routine
Amerigo Vespucci was an explorer like Christopher Columbus write about a place you would like to explore, or a place you have explored (if your child hates to write or can not yet write, let them just tell you about it, and maybe you can share stories of you own adventures).
Make a map of a place you have been to, to show others what it looks like. (take out the markers, crayons, colored pencils, and plenty of paper, let them go to town. If they want to draw treasure maps, or other types of maps let them, the great thing about today is no rush to stay on schedule, or even on topic lol)
Lunch: Potato Pancake with sofrito sauce (allow your children to decorate their pancake like Christopher Columbus's face, or whatever they want to make, using the sauce)
Outdoor time (if whether is permitting enjoy a nice Autumn walk with your kids, maybe even head over to a park, or pull out the bikes)
Read a book about Christopher Columbus (you can either read aloud, or give the books to them to read or enjoy the pictures)
Do art collage project incorporating the three ships, Columbus, and the year 1492. (You can for idea one do this with construction paper,  have them, or yourself cut out the parts, and then paste it. Or for a second idea use  just coloring supplies and paper)
Snack: Fruit
Make cookies together as a treat for after dinner, using recipe below.
Free time (give yourself a break, and let them entertain themselves for a bit, maybe now let them watch tv or play video games)
Dinner: Black eyed peas and tomato sauce

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