Monday, August 10, 2015

Recipes (to go with September week 1)

Recipes (to go with September week 1)

Avocado egg salad

I make this two ways

First way:
Mash the avocados then add chopped eggs and season.

Second way
Chop avocados and eggs add Greek yogurt (if not looking for a healthy option mayo is good too) and season

Overnight oatmeal (I found this recipe from the Domestic Geek)

I changed her recipe to suit my liking but you can check out her recipes at her website

Banana Nut serves 1
1/3 cup rolled oats
¼ cup Greek yogurt
¼ cup milk
banana nut
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp natural nut butter
2 tbsp walnuts, chopped (optional)
½ banana, sliced

Smoothie (I found this recipe from the Domestic Geek)
I changed her recipie to suit my liking but you can check out her recipes at her website

½ cup OJ
½ avocado
½ apple
1 celery stalk
½ banana
1 cup fresh spinach

(I know you are thinking what am I going to do with all these halves, but the day before we had fruit salad for breakfast cut your apple and your banana up use half for the salad and the other half put in the freezer for tomorrow's smoothie)

Eggplant Meatballs (I found the recipe on Pinterest here is the link)

Stuffed chicken
Stuffed chicken
1lb. Chicken breast cut thin or pounded out
Bread crumbs (optional)
3Tbs butter
1 clove garlic
1/4 C cheddar cheese

Then mix together:
1 Bar cream cheese (you can use Neufchtel or cottage cheese if your trying watch calories)
1/2 Bar cheddar cheese (use feta or Parmesan if watching calories)
Seasoning (a little salt and pepper or whatever you want I usually buy mixed seasonings)
1 tsp garlic
2 C steamed broccoli or spinach

First preheat your oven to 350F.
Then, butter the chicken generously with the mixture and roll the chicken up. 
Next coat with an egg wash (I just mix an egg and milk together), then toss in bread crumbs till completely covered (if you are looking to cut calories you can skip this step).
After place in a pan, once have finished rolling and breading, drizzle with melted butter and garlic, and into the oven for 20min.
Last step, after your 20 min, sprinkle more cheese on top, and put back in till melted about 10 min.

Pot pie

Homemade crust or use refrigerator biscuits, roll out and use as crust (if you don't have time)

Cooked chicken
Cooked carrots
Cooked celery
Cooked peas or potatoes
(I don't love it with potatoes even thought they are traditional and I've recently begun to swap peas for them instead and I love it, so its up to you)
Chicken stock or broth (just use the the broth you get from boiling all your veggies and chicken that you just cooked)
Seasoning (salt, pepper, thyme)

Chicken Alfredo 
(this is not my recipe I found it online however it was years ago and I am not sure where but we love this sauce)

Cook chicken or shrimp
Boil Fettuccine

1Tb butter
1 clove garlic
1 tsp grated lemon zest (optional)
2 tsp flower
1 C milk
salt and pepper (to taste)
2 Tbs Neufchtel or cream cheese
3/4 C Parmesan or Romano cheese
3 Tbs parsley

In a sauce pan mix on low-med heat
Melt butter, brown the garlic, and lemon zest (about 1 min). Add the flour, whisk in the milk and seasonings. Keep whisking till it thickens (about 3 min). Then add the Neufchtel and Parmesan mix until melted (about 1 min). Add this to your pasta and chicken or shrimp.

Berry and Spinach Salad
fresh spinach
berries (blueberry, strawberry or raspberry)
red onion
feta cheese
balsamic vingeret

2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
2 C flour
1 Tbs sugar
4 tsp baking powder
1 3/4 C buttermilk
3 Tbs butter

Chicken Enchiladas

Trail Mix

I buy my nuts, seeds, and dried fruit in bulk and make my own trail mix because it's cheaper then buying a small bag of trail mix, and then we can put in what we like.

These are some things I usually use:
pumpkin seeds
sunflower seeds
dried banana chips
dried apricots

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