Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Recipes (to go with September week 2)

Recipes (to go with September week 2)


Overnight oatmeal (DomesticGeek.com)
Carrot Cake serves 1

1/3 cup rolled oats
¼ cup Greek yogurt
¼ cup milk
¼ cup shredded carrot
1 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp pecan, chopped (optional)
¼ tsp cinnamon

Smoothie (DomesticGeek.com)
Plum Dandy

½ cup milk
½ cup grapes
2 plums, sliced
1 banana
some fresh spinach

Fruit Kabobs (you can really use any fruit you have available)
serves 1
1/2 plum
1/2 banana
then skewer them onto a shish kabob stick

Chocolate covered banana
in a sauce pan melt down dark chocolate with a little milk until it becomes creamy
you can either leave the peeled banana whole put it on a popsical stick and dunk it
you can slice the banana in thick slices and dunk them
place wax paper on a cookie sheet and lay bananas down, pop this into the freezer until the chocolate hardens.

Rice and bean burrito
I boil my rice with a cup of water to every half cup of rice, I also add achote oil (I make this by cooking achote or annato seeds with olive oil this gives the rice color and flavor) and salt.
After it's finished the rice is nice and soft not mushy I season it (you could also mix in some saute vegetables, I often do this to make it an all in one meal).
The beans you can either leave whole black beans and just saute them with some onion, garlic, and green peppers or you can do a re-fried bean with pinto beans.
Once the beans and rice are done put them into your tortilla top with cheddar cheese, salsa, and plain greek yogurt.

I really do not have recipe for this I make it in my crockpot and I make it in the morning so it has all day to cook.
I throw the ground meat in raw (beef really gives the most flavor)
with cumin, coriander, lots of chili powder, cayenne pepper, garlic, onions, tomato sauce, and small red beans. I put the cover on and let that cook. For an actual recipe, I am sure you can find really good ones on pinterest.
Garnish with shredded cheddar and a dollop of plain Greek yogurt. (this is nice to serve with tortilla chips, with corn bread, or over a baked potato)

Meat sauce
Cook ground meat on the stove with onion, garlic, cumin, coriander, thyme, and salt till it's browned.
 Next mix in a jar of sauce and heat this up till the sauce is nice and hot.
Finally pour over cooked spaghetti (easy night of cooking!).

Rosemary chicken
Soak chicken over night in a brine of water, salt, sugar, rosemary, and pepper corns.
Next day coat with crushed cornflakes, flour, paprika, rosemary, and salt mixture,
bake on a olive oil greased cookie sheet at 350F till nice and crispy and browned.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Peel and boil potatoes (for just us I usually do half a bag) till they are soft enough for a fork to sink into. Next pour out most but not all the water (this is a trick my great aunt taught me for creamier potatoes), and begin mashing. in a small pan melt butter and brown garlic (I put about 3 Tbs butter and 1-2 Tbs garlic, I love garlic). Once the garlic is browned, add to potatoes, mix in 3/4 sour cream (or Greek yogurt) and either 1/2 C whole milk, half and half, or cream (what ever you have) and mix. Season with salt to taste.

Buy a pre-made dough (Trader Joes sells an inexpensive and healthy whole wheat pizza dough) or find a recipe online. Roll your crust out and bake it at 350F till it just starts to get color (if you don't bake it before the toppings, the middle of the crust tends not to cook while the outside gets browned).
Then spread sauce, cheese, and your choice of toppings, and back into the oven till the cheese is melted

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