Thursday, March 26, 2015

Why choose to home-school?

Why choose to home-school?
For us there were several reasons:
One we moved to a new district and the school system here was not the best.
Second, Dash's 1st grade experience wasn't the best. He wasn't doing very well to the point where his teacher was talking about holding him back. Personally I felt they just weren't working enough with him.
Third, I hated the home work over load. My husband (fiancĂ© at the time) and I were both working full time, and Dash was in school all day. To come home to do around three hours of homework it just wasn't working for us. We had no family time, everyone was burnt out, and  stressed out.  It came to the point where I felt like the only thing he was learning was what I had to cram in at night.  I finally said "I might as well just home-school him at this point". A couple of months later, we looked into it, when we realized  where  we were going to be moving. That brings you to where we are now almost finishing our first year as a home-schooling family.

Whatever your reason may be for home-schooling, be prepared for your child to just start improving like you would not believe.  Before home-schooling Dash was at a kindergarten reading level and hated to read, he was getting 18% on his spelling tests, even though we were having him study them all the time,  and he never seemed to be able to complete a writing assignment. Since being home-schooled he is reading at his grade level and reading for the fun of it. One of his favorite things to do is pick out new books from the library, and he starts reading them in the car before we even get home.  He now gets 90's on his spelling. Having a quiet room to study  with little to no distraction really make a big difference to kids.  Dash's writing is also a million times improved. He still needs to work on grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but he no longer struggles with coming up with something to write or completing thoughts. He has even written himself a few books for fun. Some days may seem frustrating, but it will all seem worth it once you see the progress you are making, and the relationship you are building with your child. 

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