Friday, March 27, 2015

Where can I go for activities, group activities, or socialization, if I'm home-schooling?

This was taken at one of Dash's art classes.

Most  people who start home-schooling are concerned their children will not get enough socialization from peers, have friends, or know how to interact if they are not around other children enough. I guess Dash and I will never know because we are constantly in group settings (except during lesson time, when he needs to have quiet and time to focus).  Here are a lists of places we have found great activities:

Check your local library and libraries in your neighboring towns.
Our local library has a chess club, book readings, and random classes (cooking, knitting, music, ect.) I sign Dash up for everything that has an opening, some cost but usually very little(I'm talking $2-$5), but most are free. Even if you don't want to join a class, I let Dash hang out at the Library play on the computers, and play with the other kids in the toy area.

Check your home improvement stores.
Our Home Depot does free workshops the first Saturday of every month. It gives Dash a chance to work with wood, hammering and painting. Most kids that do this seem to be there every month so you get to know each other.

Check out your craft stores.
I check Michael's  monthly schedule, the craft store does cake decorating, knitting, and arts and crafts.  It cost money ranging from $2- $45. I usually pick the less expensive ones. We also love to go to Michael's and find art projects to do at home during our art time.

Check your book stores.
We have Barnes and Nobles close enough to us, and they do book readings at night, a couple of times a month, we always try to make them. Even if there are no book readings going on, Barnes and Nobles is a fun place for children. Ours has a train track and trains the kids can play with. They also have the newest books, and they have games, toys, and kits to learn new skills.

Check your children's museum.
Ours has new stuff each month. It does cost for admission but on rainy or snowy days it's worth it not to be stuck in the house.

Check local colleges.
One of our local colleges offer $5 classes every second Saturday of the month.  Dash took an art class for free this past month, it was a lot of fun. (that is where the above picture was taken)

Check the parks, especially the larger parks
In my area anytime there is a holiday the parks usually have something going on.
For example: St. Patirck's Day our park that Saturday did a parade, had live music, and cultural food. One of our other ones is doing an egg hunt for Easter. In May for memorial day there will be a WW2 reenactment done in another park.

Check your church.
If you are part of a church they probably do Sunday schools for the kids. I know Dash looks forward to that and has some really great friends there. I know some even do a vacation bible school event during the summer months, and others have home-school groups that meet and do activities.

Check out local home-school groups.
 I was amazed how many groups are out there. I am positive no matter what you are looking for there will be a group that fits you. We are in the process of becoming members of a group right now. Some are free some cost a yearly membership price.

I look most of this stuff up on the internet, but another great source for me has been a magazine my library gives out called "Parenting on Long Island" every month with things going on in the area. I am not sure every area has something like this, but if you can find it, it has been a great help to us.

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