Thursday, March 26, 2015

A little back for "story 2+1 and our family has begun"

A little back story for "2+1 and our family has begun"

I am a young, stay at home, mom. I met my husband three years ago (we will call him Mr. Incredible from the Pixar movie) and this past year we tied the knot.  His son (Dash) is now seven and this past year we have taken on a lot. We became a family, moved into a fix-me-up home, started homeschooling, and I had to leave my job as a full time teacher. And though you may think I have an advantage since I already knew how to teach, this was really a new world to me. But I'm hoping to share with you what I have learned so  far and what I figure out as I go along. From how to get started with home-schooling and ideas for lesson plans, to shopping on a budget and meal planning. I may even throw in some tips about home improvement. Feed back is always welcome!

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