Do I have to be a teacher?
The answer is no.
To teach your child you do not have
to be a certified teacher, but you
definitely are a teacher!
Do I need to buy those
expensive curriculum kits?
No, your books don't need to cost
you $300-$500 dollars. First decide what curriculum you plan on following.
For us we combined a couple we did a Traditional Style mixed
with Unit Study. For our Traditional Style curriculum I bought
two different 2nd grade work books. I bought all my books on Amazon and used Amazon Prime so I could get the free shipping.
Complete Curriculum 2nd
grade for $15.00 Check it out on Amazon
Click Here
I used this book for all the basic
subjects. I really liked it because they had prep tests and tests at the back
of the book to see how much your child has retained.
Quest Grade 2
I got for $8.00 Check it out on Amazon
Click Here
I used this one for science,
history, cursive writing, and if we needed more help in a certain subject, we
could spend more time going through those work pages as well or even as a
That is all I bought, since I also
mixed Unit Study curriculum in there, as
I saw Dash getting drawn towards something we would either research it online,
read about it watch clips on Youtube, print out projects or work sheets from Pinterest,
or we would hit up the library. I didn't have to be on such a tight budget, but
I figured if I needed to add more as we went I would, but to tell the truth our
school year is nearing the end and we were perfectly happy with just those as
our workbooks.
Will my child know how to
socialize with others?
That depends entirely on you. So
it's safe to say the answer is yes.
I have Dash involved in everything
. He does, karate, soccer, dance, and we are part of a home-schooling group (I
put up a post about organized groups). I also keep my eyes open for any events
either with my library, craft store, museum, or somewhere else to sign him up
for. So he may not be socializing while I am teaching and he is doing school
work (which is the way I prefer it), but every week we have a few social
events to be at. It is also good that kids have that down time and feel that
family unity, we make sure every Monday we spend the night in and together.
What if I can't teach every
You can! Don't sell yourself short, you would
be surprised how easy school is the second time around.
Most text books you can buy a teachers manual with, this will help guide you through
a lesson and help you present the information in a way that makes sense, some
even have CDs (set yourself up for success with the
right tools). I always read ahead so I know what we have up and coming, this
helps me to prepare. Pinterest has helped me out so many times
with fun ideas for a more hands on approach. Youtube too can come in handy with videos
to either explain subject matter to you or for fun songs or short clips to
teach your child. Right now Dash is only in second grade so I haven't hit
anything to difficult thankfully. Now if you are referring to subjects such as
music or a foreign language, a tutor is always an option or go to a music store
for lessons. A tutor is always an option for your basic
subjects too. If you really want to home-school but writing essays or perhaps
math just isn't your thing then look into it. While I was in school I
tutored for a home-school family, it was
What if my family doesn't approve?
I have dealt with this as well. First be very patient hear
their concerns, and try to put their minds at ease. Then let them know what
your reasons are, whether it be:
My child isn't doing well in school.
I don't like what he/she is being taught
I don't like the district
Private school is to expensive
My child hates school due to work load, bullying ect.
If you show them how much thought and effort you are
putting into this that might give a little comfort. Show them the daily
schedule you have made, the curriculum you plan to follow, different success
stories of home-schoolers, and so on. Next, time will tell, as your children
adapt to homeschooling and start doing well, the family will be impressed, like
the saying says "time heals all".
How do I know if my child is at the right grade level by
the end of the year?
In our state we don't have to test our children until the
5th grade (and then it's every other year till high school). But we have
nothing to really compare our kids with, they seem to be understanding what we
are teaching, and doing well, but what if they are behind and we don't even
know it. There is always the option of testing your child at the end of each
year. I plan to order a test for Dash at the end of this year to see how we are
doing. Mostly I am doing it so the family that didn't approve of home-schooling
will see how well it is working for us. I like the C.A.T (California
Achievement Test) so that is the one I plan to order for us. It is a scan-tron
test that covers all your basics, math, reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling,
and grammar. The test needs to be administered by a teacher certified teacher
for that grade level. If you don't have any family or friends that can do it,
you can always hire e teacher to come to the house. Again this is not
mandatory till later grades, but I want it for peace of mind.
When do I get a break?
Being a stay at home mom/teacher/chef/maid/nurse is not an
easy job, and just like any other job we deserve a break, honestly if you don't
take them, you will burn out. This is why I find it helpful to have a daily
schedule. I put my little breaks throughout the day. These are my break times:
After lunch is outside play, which gives me around a 30
minute break, while Dash and our dog run around (which they need before more
lessons). I usually just enjoy sitting and eating my lunch in peace during this
Music, Dash is learning piano so, I work 15 minutes with
him on worksheets and the other 15 minutes he has to practice his song (for now
he is doing such little songs so practice time is short, I am hoping as he
progresses that he can practice for a little longer). While he is practicing I
have a solid 15 minutes. I usually spend this time getting our art lesson for
the day set up.
Art , I sometimes get a break during art time. Some
projects need a lot of assistance, so during this time I usually don't get a
break, but I always throw in a few simple art ideas during a week, so maybe
every other day I am not needed. There are days when Dash does coloring with
markers, crayons, or chalk, or he does play-doh or model clay or even sometimes
he does coloring on the iPad. I don't really put a time limit on art, Dash is
very into it, so whenever he says he is finished.
Free time! Every day we have free time, this is when Dash
may choose something to do on his own, such as playing with Legos, cars,
puzzles, or what ever. If he doesn't want to help me with dinner prep, he has
free time till dinner time. I put free time at this time, because when I'm
trying to get dinner together, the last thing I need is "help me with
this" "play this with me" "watch me do that". After
dinner is our family play time, so Dash knows he has to wait, and free time
helps improve Independence.
Quiet time, while Dash is in the tub or getting ready for
bed I have about a half hour to myself, maybe watch one of my shows or read my
book. Once he is already for bed at about 8:30 we lay in his bed and read
stories for the next half hour then lights out at 9, and I am officially off
duty (only as a mom not a wife though lol)
I have found this schedule works for both of us, it doesn't
leave Dash feeling like I need a break from him or that I'm neglecting him, but
it also keeps me sane, so I can be the patient, loving teacher he wants.
How long should a school day be?
You will find school is all day, because learning never
stops when you are homeschooling. Your child will be learning life skills as
well as book knowledge. We do have set hours for set lessons and book work
though. Dash and I start at 9:00 and finish at 4:00 so not counting any
breaks or gym activities, we do around 5 hours of lessons and work books. You
will just have to see what works for you and your family.
Should I run my home like a school?
That is up to you, I feel this is still our home, but I
like to run school hours a little like a classroom. I do enforce some things like we are going to actual
school. Dash has to get up at 7:30am just like if he were going to school
(early o bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise). Research
shows waking up at the same time every morning is very important. This also
gives Dash time to get dressed, make his bed, and wake up a little before the
work begins. Dash cannot sit on the couch in his pjs while doing school work, I
feel having Dash get up and dressed helps him to get out of lounging, sleepy
mode. Dash needs to sit in a chair at a hard surface whether at his desk or at
the table or counter. For writing it helps him do a nicer neater job, and
reminds him it is school time not "chill" time. During school hours
there is no video games or tv unless we are watching an educational video. We
take breaks to eat our meals, I don't want crumbs or food on the books, and
everyone needs a break to refresh and then come back renewed. We are not too
strict, Dash doesn't have to raise his hand to ask a question, or get a hall
pass to use the bathroom, and our schedule can be flexible if need be.
I hope this has helped answer some of your questions or worries, these are frequently asked questions I get. If there is something I didn't cover but you would like to hear
my point of view or how I dealt with it, leave a comment. Thanks