Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Free Time Activities Ideas

Free Time Activities:

Free time is a great time as a mom to get some peace of mind. I usually set Dash up right before I start to make dinner, so he is not under foot, and I can concentrate on what I need to get done.
I use free time for many reasons.

1. As I mentioned, to give myself a little break from being a teacher/classmate, and get household duties accomplished.

2. It's a reward after a day of schooling to do something fun. I also use it to help him to follow rules. If he doesn't do what he supposed to, he uses his free time to correct that instead of playing (I have to say his room has been sparkling, and his chores get done every day).

 3. I want Dash to grow up independent.  By giving them an activity, I expect him to do on his own, shows him he doesn't need my help for everything he wants to accomplish. It teaches him to be independent. 

Dash often wants me to do everything with him, or to watch as he does it, which is great, but unrealistic if I am to get things done in my home. He knows the rules during free time he is to pick what he wants to do and go do it on his own.  Last school year I learned for Dash he needed structured free time activities. I thought I could just say, "you are done with school go ahead and play", but I found he couldn't keep himself occupied for very long, before he would be complaining of being bored, hungry, and in need of tv time lol. To keep myself from repeating that mistake this year, I came up with this bin idea! Check it out!

These four bins contain different activities (I bought them at the dollar store and just wrote on them). I put one activity in each one. Every week I swap out what is in it, so Dash doesn't get bored, and it's an exciting thing for him to find out what he can play with for the week. Along with the boxes come rules, so I don't have a big mess on my hands. He can look through all of the boxes, but only choose one to play with for that day(this way I don't have pieces of this and that all over, and if he plays with every box in one day the next day he will be bored of it already). The rules also state he must take the box to a table before beginning, and clean everything up once he is done. 
Here is what I put in these boxes if you're looking for ideas:

Building Supplies

Snowflake builders (found these online, they are pretty cool, and Dash loves to build)

Mini Legos (he has regular legos in his room that he can play with whenever he likes)

Lincoln Logs

Kinetic Sand (I found this at Five Below for a great price)

Art Supplies

I pick up different dollar crafts, at the craft store,  or random art supplies and let Dash decide what to make with it.


of course in this box I keep many colors of Play-doh, but I mix up what to do with it each week, here are a few things we have tried and enjoyed:

Play-doh and pasta

Play-doh and toothpicks

Play-doh mats


I keep your basics, of markers, crayons, and color penciled in this box always.

Coloring books  (I get cheap ones at the dollar store, craft store, and Five Below, so we have a nice variety that I can switch out )


Stampers and an ink pad 

If Dash doesn't want to do anything in the boxes, or he tires of it quickly, he is free to go in his bedroom and play with any of his toys, play with the dog, listen to a book on CD, or read during free time (he loves comics).

Free time usually lasts from 4pm-5:30pm (dinner time).

I hope these ideas have been helpful

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